Condition characterised by high rates of bone resorption and disorganised immature new bone formation ® abnormal remodelling of bone
First described by Sir James Paget in 1876 and evidence of the disease found in Neanderthal man
Affects more than 3% of population over 40 years of age around 2% of the population at age 40 to around 10% in the elderly (more than 80 years)
Relatively common in Anglo-Saxons, Britain, Germany and Australia
Britain has the highest recorded prevalence
In Australia the prevalence among British born immigrants is intermediate between the British rate and the native born Australians
Rare in Scandinavia, Russia, Italy, Asia, Africa and the Middle East
Affects American whites and blacks equally ® suggest environmental factor contributing to aetiology
Male : Female 7:6
Probably equal overall incidence but in younger individuals males slightly more frequent
Only occasionally presents in people under 50 years
There is evidence of a decline in incidence of the disease in Britain and USA
The primary abnormality is thought to lie in the osteoclasts but the precise cause remains unknown
Viral aetiology
suggested by the isolation of viral intra-nuclear inclusion bodies in osteoclasts on EM which resemble those of measles (Rebel 1976, Mills 1976)
Antigen to measles virus, simian virus 5 and human parainfluenza virus type 3 detected in abnormal osteoclasts (Basle 1985)
Measles virus not detected (Gordon 1991)
Canine distemper virus (CDV) in 41% of Pagetic osteoclasts, osteocytes and osteoblasts (Gordon 1991)
Slow virus type aetiology consistent with familial incidence
Ralston, 1994 investigated Pagets and normal bone with reverse-transcriptase and polymerase chain reaction
no difference in IL-1, IL-6, TNF-?, TNF-?, b-FGF, TGF-?, IGF-1
possibility that Pagets bone turnover is due to local elaboration of other osteotropic factors
Birch (Ralston) 1994 unable with PCR to detect measles and CDV aetiology for Pagets disease
Relationship to pets has been postulated but not substantiated
Genetic, as family history found in 15 - 20% of cases, and the site and extent of disease similar in family members (dominant inheritance with low penetrance (Sofaer 1983)
Extraordinary geographic variations in prevalence (see data on incidence)
Probably, Pagets disease is caused by infection with a common and widespread virus superimposed on genetic variation for susceptibility and perhaps severity of disease (Sofaer, 1983)
Interaction between hereditary and environmental factors
Geographical variations in the prevalence of Paget's disease remain unexplained and the viral hypothesis remains unproven
Also postulated
a disorder of hormonal secretion
vascular aetiology
autoimmune disease
monoclonal IgM
Variable picture with the majority being discovered incidentally following X-Ray or elevated alkaline phosphatase
Only a minority of patients become symptomatic (5%)
Monostotic in 17% and polyostotic in 83% (pelvis 70%, Lumbar spine 50%, femur 50%, skull 45%, tibia 30%, humerus 30%, clavicle ® visible deformity in 13%, hand and foot 3 - 5%)
The disease may for many years be localised to part or the whole of one bone
Affected bones may remain asymptomatic or ® pain (dull constant ache) and become bent
Pain is worse at night, but rarely severe unless sarcoma or fracture supervene
Lesions detected on bone scan are usually painful whereas many lesions seen on X-Ray are not
Bone looks bent, feels warm (may be 5o warmer than unaffected side)and thick (osteitis deformans)
If generalised may ® headache, deafness (with impairment of hearing in 30 - 50% of cases), deformities, stiffness, limb pain and sometimes fracture and heart failure, occasionally pressure on the optic nerve may ® blindness
Facial and trigeminal nerves may also be affected
Spinal stenosis may occur ® root or cord problems infrequently or a vascular steal syndrome may ® spinal claudication
Features suggestive of pain of Pagetic origin in the back are non-specific low back pain without radiculopathy, normal or minimal findings on examination, vertebral sclerosis in radiographs, isolated vertebral involvement in bone scan and enlarged vertebra and neural arch, normal facet joints and no bony impingement
Canal stenosis occurs gradually as the expanding vertebral body reduces the canal diameter, may be kyphosis, and back ache and root pain is common
Cardiac failure associated with arterial calcification and calcification of heart valves and myocardium as well as being a high output state
About 20% of Pagets patients have fractures which may be complete or incomplete and as many as 40% ® delayed or non-union
Tinnitus and vertigo are common complaints
Coxa vara is also a feature with considerable antero-lateral bowing of the legs
When involves a joint may ® painful erosive arthritis due to altered stresses secondary to deformity and abnormal subchondral bone ® collapse or loss of resilience
Early ® osteoporosis circumscripta
Disease involvement usually seen at one end of the bone (generally proximal)
The bone as a whole is thick and bent
Density in the vascular stage is decreased and it is increased in the sclerotic stage
Trabeculae are coarse and widely separated
In vascular stage areas of porosis shape
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